Thursday, July 3, 2008

Acne treatments and how can you tell if your acne is bad

And if you want to try a natural remedy on a slightly larger scale, you can try putting some fruits, such as grapes and pineapple husks or strawberries in a blender and making a puree of them, and then applying it to your face as a mask for 10 to 15 minutes before washing off. This can help remove excess amounts of keratin and dead skin cells that are probably blocking your pores.
There are a wide range of acne solutions available today that are designed to reduce or eliminate the appearance of acne scars. A chemical peel is one of these treatments available. This is a good solution for minor scarring because it involves peeling away the skin's outermost layer using chemicals. Traditionally, dermatologists do chemical peels, but there are now home chemical peels available so that you may do them yourself. If you have mild enough scars, you could probably treat them with home chemical peels.
* try some medication for acne treatment - but they are so numerous that you don't know what to choose.
tags: how to diminish redness of acne scaring, acne rosacea, prescription adult acne medication

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